Delivering leaflets is just one part of a print marketing campaign, but the question you need to ask yourself before you get to that point, is does my leaflet deliver?

For your leaflet to be successful and work for you, it needs to do three things:

It must be noticed by your audience

It must then make them interested in your product or service

It must cause your reader to react in a positive way and cause them to take action


Designing your leaflets: to D.I.Y or call in the professionals?

D.I.Y is, without doubt, the cheapest option and there are plenty of templates online to help you to do the best that you can.

You will find templates on many of the big print company websites which you can add your content to. BUT, be wary! A shoddy or amateur leaflet will be of no use in the long run if it doesn’t grab peoples attention, or represent your business in the best possible light.

leaflet distribution essex
“Canva is a really effective online design app made for just about anyone. This could be a great place to start if you can’t afford a designer for your leaflets.”

–  Joanne Dron, Essex Leaflet Angel 



Think about researching local designers who can help you to translate your best self onto your leaflet. If cost is a worry then trial 1000 leaflets at A6 size and see how you go. They might be small but they would have been produced accurately and professionally, and you have the artwork ready to go for another run whenever you’re ready!


What is your leaflet’s HEADLINE act?

In other words, what is your USP (unique selling point) or service available to your customer? Make this your leaflet’s headline to be noticed and entice interest.

Rhetorical questions and command statements are helpful in a headline to grab your customer’s attention:

Resist the urge to use your name or the name of your business as the headline to ensure that you stand out from the crowd. Remember that you’re selling your product or service first and you want people’s interest in that – not in what the company is called.


Marketing your business: Get to the point

Your customer does not want to read through reams of unnecessary information to get to the nitty-gritty. So,

  • Use bullet points
  • To highlight the most important information
  • And make it easy for your customer
  • To see why you are the best!

Design your leaflet with clarity and space and remember that less is more. An overly crowded or cluttered leaflet may give the impression of disorganisation and desperation. It’s also easier on the eye if there’s a little space around the information.

Aim for precise information that is broken down, clearly highlighted and easy to read.

And finally…

Guide your reader to take positive action and contact you:

Guide your customer to take positive action to contact youmake contact points clear



Once you’ve got that out of the way, you can start thinking about delivering your leaflets, that will deliver!

If you would like help with running your own successful leaflet campaign in and around Southend-On-Sea, then give Essex Leaflet Angel a call on 01702 780027 OR…