True colours shining through

You spent a lot of time creating your brand and your logo, didn’t you? So, include this on your leaflet and perhaps make it a little brighter. This will ensure that you and your business are familiar, recognisable and noticed.

Think outside of the box

How many leaflets do you see that use the same BOX standard BOX paragraph layout? Refresh the look of your leaflet by using different shapes and frames for the different sections of information that you want to be seen and noticed. Arrows can be used to sign post your customer to key information, or a linked image at certain areas can be used to emphasise your brand and product.


Very. Important. Placement of information that has been Prioritised in order of importance. Quite simply, you just need to think about what you want your customer to read first, second and third. Use font size, style and colours to make sure that this information is read and remembered. What is your Product? What information do you want Prioritsed? Where can you Place it for maximum impact?

Extra Extra…read all about it

A clear and concise headline is the easiest way to literally grab your customer and make them read your leaflet. Put this in your brand and logo colours and think about using your words creatively to make your customer take action. What language does your targeted customer use when they describe the problem you can help with? Use this language in your leaflet to appeal to your customer.

Tracking down the business

You are spending time and money on your marketing and advertising-you need to see that your leaflet is working and which customers are receptive to your leaflet and which are not. A simple tracking code word or number strategically placed in a corner will allow you to ascertain your response rates and allow you to take targeted action

A once in a lifetime opportunity

Products and services are always more desirable if they come with money off, a freebie or a little extra something. Your customers are special and valuable so think about a little something that could make them feel this way. Expiry dates also encourage your customers to take action. We all see the piles of leaflets sitting on people’s fridges. Put an expiry date on an offer and prompt people to take immediate action.

Have a look at current leaflets that are about at the moment

What information do they include?
How has the information been presented?
What do you like the look of?
What don’t you?
Get creative. Get planning. Get your leaflet out there!

Not sure where to begin? Essex Leaflet Angel help hundreds of companies set up a leafleting campaign each year. Give us a call on 01702 780027 and we will be more than happy to help.

Take a look at our next blog guide for getting to know your customers inside and out.